List ads analytics
Retrieve analytics overview for all ads in a project.
Path Parameters
The numeric ID of your project
Query Parameters
The metrics that you want to fetch data for
The media variants to fetch data for
, summary
The start date of the aggregation period. The value of this property should be a string in the format yyyy-mm-dd according to ISO 8601.
The end date of the aggregation period. The value of this property should be a string in the format yyyy-mm-dd according to ISO 8601.
'limit' sets the number of results to return in each page.
'offset' sets the first position to return from the results of the query. The default is 0, which starts the page at the first result.
This is used to order analytics by number of listens or average listen time or average listen duration
This is used to order analytics in the ascending or descending order
, desc