In BeyondWords, all your content is organized into Projects. A Project is your AI audio CMS.

Create a project


Click + Project

Click on the top left menu and click + Project.


Enter a name

Enter a name for your project.


Set your project language and accent

Select the language and accent for your project.


Upload a logo (optional)

Upload a logo for your project. This will make it easier to identify your project in the future.


Save changes

Click Save changes to create your project.

Update project settings

Click on the top left menu and click on the project you want to update. Go to the Settings tab and click General. Here you will be able to update the following:

  • Project name - The name of your project.
  • Project logo - The logo of your project.
  • Project time zone - The time zone of your project.

Choose the time zone for scheduling and analytics reporting in your project.

  • Automatic publishing - Whether to automatically publish articles. Enabled by default.

To update the default project language, accent and voice, go to the Voice tab.