Report a voice issue
Report mispronunciations and other sound issues.
Last updated
Report mispronunciations and other sound issues.
Last updated
If you identify a voice issue in one of your BeyondWords generated audios (for example, a mispronunciation), you may be able to resolve it by creating pronunciation rules.
If not, please report your issue to the team by following the steps below:
This feature is only available to Enterprise plans.
Go to the 'Content (Audios)' section of your project dashboard
Hover on the audio you are having an issue with
Select the warning symbol to 'Report voice issue'
Select the issue type from the dropdown list
Describe your issue with as much details as possible
Attach the correct pronunciation (optional):
Select the paperclip icon to attach a single audio file, or
Select the microphone icon to record audio from your device (you may need to allow access to your microphone). Press '✓' to stop recording. You can then press play to hear your recording, or press 'x' to delete your recording.
Select 'Submit'
We will work to get the issue resolved as soon as possible.