Get player settings
Get the player settings for your project
Path Parameters
The numeric ID of your project
Whether the player distribution is on or off
The player version to use. Possible values are 0
for legacy and 1
for the current
, 1
The style of user interface to show for the player. Possible values are small
, standard
, large
, or video
, standard
, large
, video
The title to show in the large
player when there isn't a playlist
The text prompt to show on the player
An image to show in the player instead of the content's image
The color theme to use for the player. Possible values are auto
, dark
, or light
The 'auto' theme is based on the user's light/dark mode system preference.
, dark
, light
The dark theme colors
The light theme colors
The video theme colors
Whether to always show the content's title (e.g. instead of the call_to_action)
Whether to show or hide the image in the player
Whether to show clickable ad images in the player when the ad isn't playing
The style of user interface to show for the widget at the bottom of the screen. Possible values are none
, small
, standard
, large
, video
The widget appears once you scroll past the player in the page.
, small
, standard
, large
, video
The side of the screen on which to show the widget. Possible values are auto
, left
, center
, right
The 'auto' position places the standard player in the center, otherwise to the right.
, left
, center
, right
Whether to allow playback by clicking on a segment (i.e. a paragraph) on the page Support for this depends on adding some markup into the HTML of the page.
The style of skip buttons to show in the player. Possible values are auto
, segments
, seconds
or audios
You can specify the number of seconds to skip, e.g. seconds-15
or seconds-15-30
The auto
style uses audios
if there is a playlist and segments
The URLs of intros and outros audio files
The URL of an intro audio file to play before all content in the player
The URL of an outro audio file to play after all content in the player
Whether or not the intro and outro should be played. The default is false
The style of paywall to apply to the player. Possible values are none
, show
, hide
or lock
You can specify the number of body segments to make listenable, e.g. show-3
The URL to link to when the content is paywalled, e.g. a signup page.
Whether to show a download button next to each playlist item in the player.
Whether to show a share button in the player.
Whether to show an icon stating that the voice was AI generated in the player.
Whether to show the BeyondWords logo in the player.
Analytics enabled.
Analytics uuid enabled.
Analytics server URL
Custom analytics server URL
Analytics ID
Analytics tag enabled
Google Analytics tag
Time at which the object was updated (ISO 8601)