The BeyondWords API is a RESTful API that provides headless access to the entire platform.

It has predictable resource-oriented URLs, accepts form-encoded request bodies, returns JSON-encoded responses, and uses standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs.

Base URL

The base URL for the API is:


To access the API endpoints, you will need a Project ID and API Key. To obtain these, you will need to create a BeyondWords account and create a project.

Core resources

The API's core resources are as follows:


This object represents your project and its settings. You can list, create, retrieve, update and delete projects.


This object represents your generated content and its associated metadata. You can list, create, retrieve, update and delete content.


You can use the API to configure pronunciation rules. You can list, create, retrieve, update and delete rules. Rules can be applied to all content items within a project or specific content items.

Voice issues

You can use the API to report voice issues. You can list, create, retrieve, update and delete voice issues. Our team uses reported voices issues to identify and resolve issues relating to text preprocessing or speech synthesis.


You can use the API to configure webhook endpoints, list, create, retrieve, update, and delete webhooks. Webhooks can be used to receive notifications about audio generation events in your projects.

Player settings

You can use the API to configure some player settings, but for greater control, we recommend configuring them in the BeyondWords Player embed script or SDK.


This object represents a playlist and its associated settings and podcast feed. You can list, create, retrieve, update and delete project, manual, and automatic playlists.


This object represents an ad and its associated settings. You can list, create, retrieve, update and delete custom and programmatic ads.


You can use the API to retrieve analytics for an organization, project, content item, or ad. You can retrieve data for a specific time period and aggregate by year, month, week, day, or hour. You can also filter the data based on specific metrics.


You can use the API to retrieve a list of languages available on your account, along with their locale codes.


You can use the API to retrieve a list of voices available on your account. You can also use this endpoint to configure settings for each voice.

RSS feed importer

You can use the API to map and import content from multiple XML and JSON feeds.


You can use the API to upload media files, such as images and videos, for submitting to image and media URLs.

Last updated