Voice Cloning Contract (VCC) — Template

We designed the VCC to facilitate and accelerate safe and responsible adoption of voice clones. It aims to make it easier for news publishers to make their articles available in audio using voice clones based on their own voice talent. By establishing a framework for creating and licensing voice clones, the VCC aims to address crucial aspects such as intellectual property rights, usage, and compensation, ensuring a smooth and transparent process for all parties.

The VCC is a template so we encourage parties to seek independent legal advice and tailor the contract to their specific needs to ensure compliance with local laws and regulations.

The VCC is made available ‘as is’. We make no commitment, express or implied, or representation as to quality, fitness for an intended purpose, suitability or otherwise. We exclude all liability however arising, whether in contract, negligence or other tort or otherwise (except for liability which by law we cannot exclude). You must seek independent legal advice before using this document. We are not providing, and this document does not constitute, legal advice.

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