
Learn how to configure the BeyondWords Player analytics settings.

The BeyondWords Player natively integrates with BeyondWords Analytics.

You can configure the player analytics settings to disable analytics, adjust privacy settings, or send analytics events to Google Analytics or your own custom analytics solution.

Disable or customize analytics

The BeyondWords Player sends analytics events to BeyondWords analytics by default. These events do not contain any personally identifiable information, but only random UUIDs to identify the same user across sessions. This UUID is persisted in local storage in the browser under the beyondwords key. However, you can adjust the events that get sent according to your preferences.

Option 1: BeyondWords Player script

Set analyticsConsent to any of the following:

  • allowed analytics will be sent to BeyondWords and, if set, the analyticsCustomUrl (default).

  • without-local-storage analytics will be sent to BeyondWords and, if set, the analyticsCustomUrl but without local_storage_id.

  • none analytics will be sent to BeyondWords or the analyticsCustomUrl.

Option 2: Contact support

Contact support@beyondwords to disable analytics or to not set a UUID in local storage.

Connect custom analytics solution

You can configure the BeyondWords Player to send analytics events to a custom analytics solution.

Option 1: BeyondWords Player script

Set analyticsCustomUrl to your custom analytics solution. You can inspect the events that are sent by finding them in the Network tab in your browser or see the Event schema in the Player repo.

Connect Google analytics

You can configure the BeyondWords Player to send analytics events to Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager. Once enabled, you can view BeyondWords analytics in Google Analytics by following this guide.

Option 1: API

Use the /player_settings endpoint to set analytics_tag to your Google Measurement ID and update analytics_tag_enabled to true.

Option 2: Dashboard

Go to the Player section in your project, click on the Settings tab, add a Google Measurement ID, enable the Google Analytics integration, and then press Save changes.

Option 3: BeyondWords Player script

Set analyticsTag to your Google Measurement ID.

Last updated